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SUNRA RS 125e EEC 3000W / 40AH White (Double battery)

Ref: 53896

SUNRA RS 125and 3000W/40AH White (Double Bater??a)

It knows the new motorbike el??ctrica RS 125and with Engine 3000W of 40Ah, perfect for your d??a to d??a with the possibility to use it by roads and destined zones to veh??culos of engine. Olv??dese Of the aver??as of start, of the petrol and of the complex maintenance of a veh??culo of fuel. With this veh??culo L3, equivalent to 125and can circulate by all the roads, motorways and autov??as of Europe. At all of petrol, filters neither complex reparations. Recargue His RS in his home, work, offices, etc. ¡The possibilities are boundless! ¡And it enjoy of the speed!


RS Is the ??ltima motorbike el??ctrica developed by the manufacturer of veh??culos el??ctricos Sunra, is the manufacturer nº1 in China in producci??n of Scooters of Quality during the ??ltimos 11 a??os, selling his scooters in m??s of 70 pa??ses, with a capacity of producci??n of 4 million scooters el??ctricos by a??o. This especially thought to move you by the city of a way c??moda and sustainable.




Est?? Instrumented with an engine el??ctrico 3000W Brushless situated in the rear wheelThis engine offers the m??xima power, does not spend brushes. It allows a minor wear of his materials to the not producing frictions, his consumption is m??s low (40% less with regard to other engines) allows a main saving and a main life ??til in the motorbike.




RS Has start of reader of footprint dactilar that adem??s of c??modo this system contributes a main security in the motorbike. It registers so many footprints as you want to with the app of SUNRA with which tendr??s a total control of your motorcycle. Tambi??n Has USB 5V to upload the m??vil, adem??s of a leading compartment and a colgador for his belongings, providing to the new driver experiences together with the m??xima security.



It has of a totally digital bookmark that allows him know the kil??metros routes, the hour, the level of bater??a.


RS est?? Instrumented with a system of lights LED that allows him divisar an elder ??ngulo of visi??n on the way especially at night without that it can exist ning??n danger in the road. With f??cil handle of long lights, short and of emergency.


RS Has a system of 3 speeds and course atr??s with which podr??s enjoy of a conducci??n ideal. Adem??s Has of a bot??n of parking which blocks to the veh??culo for a main security.




RS est?? Instrumented of two bater??as of lithium of 72V/20Ah. This type of bater??a has a tall quality with which can surpass the speed m??xima and a tama??o ??ptimo that allows him that it was f??cil to transport. It uploads your RS where want to in the work, in your house of form f??cil and r??pida. The time of load is of so alone 4 hours, despu??s of the cual disfrutar??s totally of your motorbike without interruptions. Each bater??a has a life ??til of 1000 cycles of load for a long conducci??n.

The motorcycle el??ctrica RS has of a system combined of brakes in leading and rear wheels, amortiguadores frontal and backsides for a conducci??n m??s stable and flexible in paths m??s movedizos.



RS Has a speed m??xima of 80 km/hour with which tendr??s a autonom??a of 130 kil??metros to be able to enjoy to the m??ximo your motorcycle.

Adem??s Ours RS is totally resistant to the water. It drive without fears to the conditions meteorol??gicas. His components est??n dise??ados to be able to resist the rain and the wind, being testados each one of them.

Remote control by means of the app SUNRA

In the key of your RS podr??s find a label with the c??digo QR for android and another for iOS that you vincular?? to the app of SUNRA with which tendr??s the control of RS in your Smartphone.

- Block and it unblocks the alarm.

- #Turn and light your motorcycle.

- Open and it closes the trunk to distance.

- Accionar The bot??n Mutate, that silencia the veh??culo.

- Configuraci??n Of footprint dactilar, so that a??adas so many as you want to.

- Make a checkup of the state of the veh??culo.

- Check the presi??n of the neum??ticos.

- Register new keys f??sicas or keys of Bluetooth.

- Sensor of vicinity of accessories bluetooth, where your decide the distance of vinculaci??n.

You can download the App to trav??s of the following links:



***Important: Sunra Espa??a Distributes Official Product, recognised to circulate by roads, and with certificate of the Ministry of Industry. With total garant??a in the product, pieces and spares. Alas, it exists the market parallel products that CAN not ENROL, with caracter??sticas no approved by the ministry of Industry, and that do not have access to the garant??a official neither to the spares. It buy with intelligence.



* Warning:

Before his use, read entirely the manual of user, warnings of security, maintenance, inspecci??n, use of the bater??a and conserve the manual with which acompa??a the product for future references.

The price of this product, includes the transport in the Pen??nsula and the national VAT. The buyer deber?? ensure the motorcycle by means of his compa????a insurance, fulfil the norms of circulaci??n and enrol his veh??culo.

Tambi??n Is necessary to sign an available agreement. Our squad pondr?? in contact with the buyer to send him said agreements and make the tr??mite.


Name of product: SUNRA RS 125and 3000W/40AH White (Double Bater??a)
Energ??a Of the engine: 3000W Brushless Engine (equivalent to 125and)
Controller: 12mosfets
Speed m??xima: 80 (km/h)
Types of bater??as: Bater??a Of lithium
Capacity of the bater??a: 20AH OF 72V + 20AH OF 72V (1,44 kWh x Bater??a)
Scope m??ximo: 130 km. / 1 person (75kg)
Bater??a Time of load: 4 hours each one
Life of bater??a: 1000 cycles of load each one
Capacity of rise: 23% (1 person, 70kg)
Type of measurer: Digital
Brakes (frontal/backside): Disk/Disk
Amortiguador (Frontal/Backside): Hidr??ulico / hidr??ulico
Tama??o Of neum??tico: 110-70-12 without c??mara
Capacity Max of load: 2 people (180kg)
Type of frame: Steel
Net weight: 89kg (without bater??as)
Weight of the bater??a: 12kg each one
It includes: 1x USB of load +3 speeds + Leaves Atr??s + Bot??n of Parking + Start with Reader of Footprint Dactilar +  Comparimento rear Interior + 2 Games of keys.
Measures 1750×770×1175mm
Permission of Circulaci??n A1,A2,To, B (3 a??os)


Motorcycle El??ctrica 0 Emissions Recognised by the Direcci??n General of Tr??fico and Ministry of Industry. Circulaci??n Legal 100x100.



3 a??os in all the components and parts of the product, except the bater??a, whose garant??a is of 6 months. We have of all type of spares, like bater??as, engines, covers, lighthouses and pilot, brakes, manetas, electr??nica.

The dates indicated of delivery are approximated and can modify by motives of a pandemia or delays in transport ocasionados by extraneous motives to our company.

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  • Que dura una bateria, tiempo de vida usandola normal, y coste de bateria nueva. gracias RESPUESTA: ¡Hola Emilio! Su vida útil son hasta 1.000 ciclos de carga. Con respecto a los repuestos, encontrarás todos los necesarios en nuestra página web, incluida la batería. Tiene un coste de 683.63€.

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